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UCLA Protests: Tensions Rise Over Divestment and Disclosure Demands


CNN's Camila Bernal has been reporting on tense protests at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) as students demand divestment and increased disclosure from the university. The protests stem from allegations that UCLA invests in companies that support the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.

Violent Confrontation

During a protest on Wednesday, a violent confrontation broke out between pro-Palestinian protesters and Israel supporters. According to CNN, an anti-Israel demonstrator alleged that "Zionist thugs" attacked them.

Ongoing Protests

The protests have continued daily, with pro-Palestinian and Israel supporters facing off on campus. The demonstrations have gained attention from major news outlets such as Business Insider, CNN, ABC News, and The Science Show.


The protesters are demanding that UCLA divest from companies that profit from the Israeli occupation. They are also calling for increased transparency and disclosure from the university regarding its investments.

Impact on Campus

The protests have had a significant impact on the UCLA campus. Students and faculty have expressed concerns about the safety and inclusiveness of the campus environment. The university has condemned the violence and is working to facilitate dialogue between the opposing groups.


The protests at UCLA over divestment and disclosure demands highlight the ongoing tensions between pro-Palestinian and Israel supporters on college campuses. The violent confrontation that occurred on Wednesday underscores the need for peaceful and respectful dialogue to address these complex issues.
